31 October 2012

Unit 9: How It's Done

The next study point is the multi-word verbs. You are given the supplementary sheet and the exercise to practice. In addition, you can review the materials from the class here.

This unit provides plenty of new vocabulary. The vocabulary list is a good starting point for you to work on. In case you come across any unknown words, be sure to look them up in a very good dictionary.

Practice makes progress.

29 October 2012

How to Paraphrase

Hi class,

Welcome to the first (or second?) week of the second semester. Hope you all had a nice school break.

We kicked start our week with the first lesson: paraphrasing skills. It is quite important to understand it clearly since you will paraphrase throughout the semester (and beyond).

Click here to go over the materials. If you have any questions, do ask.

Again, welcome and I'm glad to have you in my class. Enjoy your semester :)

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