25 November 2012

Before You Hand in

Before you hand in your assignment, make sure you comply to the correct format: times new roman 14, line spacing 2.

The picture below offers you some tips in the writing process. I hope you do not just finish your work, but finish it well.

Verb in -ing Form

You can review the material here.

18 November 2012

Summary Writing

Dear class,

I trust that you all had such a nice break from the classroom. Now, back to reality, and back to studying.

This week, we will start a new writing skill: summary writing. See the material here.

As days progress, more lessons pile on. Be sure to study thoroughly the old materials before moving on to the new ones.

This link offers an exceptional practice to summary writing. Besides, the passages are good read and quite entertaining. The answer key is provided at the end.

04 November 2012

Paraphrasing Exercise


I have come across a very good paraphrasing exercise. The vocabulary is not the simplest, yet the content is quite intriguing. If you are up for a challenge, click here. The answer key is provided at the end.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

03 November 2012

Mistakes You Should Avoid

15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly
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