30 January 2013

Future Tense: Progressive & Perfect

The lesson focuses on how to use future progressive & future perfect. Further explanation can be found in the textbook. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Here's the material from class.

Additional exercises are available for you to practice
1) from BBC
2) from Oxford

27 January 2013

Unit 12 Vocabulary

The list of vocabulary in unit 12 is posted here

How to Write a Proposal - updated

This time of the semester, we will talk about how to write a proposal.

There are many ways to write a proposal. In the class, however, you will be given a specific scenario to ponder upon.

Here's the guideline to the writing, and room for improvement.

26 January 2013

Some Tips to Improve your Grammar

These rules should give you some pointers as to how to write grammatically correct.

First and foremost, sentence structure is crucial. In order to achieve that, you need to understand the part of speech. Check its function, not just the meaning.

See additional tips below.
Click here to view larger

23 January 2013

Individual Project

Please be reminded that the individual project is due next week. You are expected to submit the assignment in class.

Please be responsible and punctual.

20 January 2013

Gerunds VS. Infinitives

Let's review when & how to use gerunds or infinitives

Click here to view larger

01 January 2013

Group & Individual Projects


Happy New Year!

Now, let's get back to business as usual. You have a big task ahead of you: the group & individual projects.

Some of you have handed in the outline. Well done. For those of you who haven't, don't forget to submit it in class.

Here's the detail of the projects.

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